About All things book-ish

Hi everyone. Welcome to all things book-ish. (The name of my fb page)

I read an awful lot, and all sorts of genres. Paranormal, contemporary romance, YA, NA, Historical romance …… well you get the idea. I have a few favourite authors who are at the top of my ‘will always read’ list and you will see loads of posts about them and their books.
I’m always interested in finding new authors to read though and think that word of mouth is an authors best friend.

I now have a review policy and recommended authors and books so please check those out.

For reviews I like to be a bit quirky so will try and use something that represents the book. If I can’t find anything then hearts or stars will be used.

I live in the UK so if you were to message me or email me I might not get back to you straight away depending on the time but I will ALWAYS answer as soon as possible.

I’m also on twitter and have an email address so if you do need to contact me please don’t hesitate to use one of the following below.


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❤ All things book-ish

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